Come and meet the staff at our school...
Life is a journey!
As we move through life, we walk on a journey that teaches us new things. We continually change direction and aspire to be different things. Some of our paths stop and some lead to many more, but we keep learning on this journey because the journey makes us who we are.
'We learn from the journey, not the destination.'
Welcome to our team at Glastonbury Thorn School. We are here because we are passionate about the children and curious about their journey ahead. We strive to give the children experiences that they will hold dear for life and give them the strength and confidence to journey forward and become aspirational citizens of the future.
Every day getting better in every way!
My memories of school are mixed. I absolutely loved my first and middle school experiences.
When I was 5, I went to Castles First School in Bletchley. I mostly remember learning to write using a magnetic writing frame which I became very possessive over! I also remember not practising my spellings properly and getting into trouble for not being able to spell the word 'white.' I do remember being excited about learning, however my fondest memories are from playing with my friends on the field! There was a fallen tree and I remember playing pirate ships and walking the plank! Sadly, Castles First School is no longer there and is now housing, but the tree stump is still there and I often visit it to re-live my memories of being a pirate!
Following my first school experience, I continued my journey at Alex Campbell Middle School in Bletchley (now Chestnuts). I loved my time there. I remember some wonderful teachers who were strict but at the same time, made learning fun. This is something that I have tried to emulate as a teacher. I remember long summer days playing football and winning imaginary World Cups at lunchtimes and I also remember the infamous Turkey favourite! When I left Alex Campbell in Year 6, I was a confident child and knew already at this early stage that I wanted to be a teacher.
Unfortunately, my secondary school experience was not a favourable one. The fact that I remember very little about it and I remember my first and middle school experiences more vividly speaks volumes. However, you must always take positives from any experience in life and this one led me to understand the importance of growing independence and resilience. This is something that I want to instill in all children today.
To become a teacher, I studied at Northampton University. I had an amazing time and learnt so much. However, my main learning was to come when I got my first teaching position in 1999 on my 21st birthday! As soon as I had my own class, I learnt so much and have enjoyed every minute since.
Now I am a Headteacher and I am extremely proud to be leading Glastonbury Thorn School.
What Glastonbury Thorn School Means To Me!
I already feel at home at Glastonbury Thorn School. We are growing an amazing ethos and the children make me smile every single day. We are building a family, one that works hard together but also a family that has fun learning both academically and learning about ourselves.
I want the staff at GTS to feel that they make a difference every day, lighting the sparks of imagination in our children and making them shine bright! I want to give all children a positive experience of school and truly know that they can achieve anything! Yes, they will fail at times but we know that 'fail' means: First Attempt In Learning! At GTS we truly believe that 'I can't do it...YET!'
I look forward to working with you all - thank you for your continued support.
Mr Cursley