I would like to introduce myself as the Headteacher and to take this opportunity to say a very warm welcome to all parents, friends and family of Glastonbury Thorn School. It is a privilege to be entrusted with the role of leading Glastonbury Thorn and I am very much looking forward to working with your child.
Every day getting better in every way!
Your child has just begun or is beginning their educational journey and I am so proud to play a huge part in their development at Glastonbury Thorn School. Children are at the heart of everything we do. At Glastonbury Thorn, we strongly believe in developing your child’s character, layering them with as many experiences as we can in order for them to grow emotionally, socially, spiritually and academically.
We have to give children the skills to achieve in life. Children need to be able to adapt, be resilient, be resourceful and think for themselves. Our children are fantastic and they deserve the best there is and to be cared for by the best there are.
As Headteacher, I am looking forward to developing links with the community – the children, family and friends of the school. We can only be successful with your support and guidance. You know your child better than anyone. Be a part of their education but at the same time, trust us to do the best for your child. I look forward to developing a strong partnership with you in order to allow your child to achieve during their time at Glastonbury Thorn.
I strongly believe in an ‘open door’ policy. If you have any concerns or would just like to share something about your child, make contact with us - we are here to support you and your child.
I would like to conclude by stating how excited I am about the future of Glastonbury Thorn School. Your child will receive an education that is varied and stimulating and will provide them with the layers and building blocks to allow them to succeed in life and be the best that they can be. An exciting journey awaits all of us and I am so proud to be a part of it.
Jonathan Cursley
Glastonbury Thorn School
If you would like paper copies of any of the information you find on our school website please contact the school office on 01908 504648 or email: office@glastonburythorn.co.uk