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Glastonbury Thorn School



Welcome to our Governors’ section

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


All schools in England have a Governing Body, made up of individual Governors, which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. The Governing Body sets the vision, aims and objectives for the school. It sets the policies and targets for achieving these aims and objectives. The Governing Body also monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards the achievement of the vision, aims and objectives. The Governors appoint the Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher. They hold the main responsibility for finance, and work with the Headteacher to make decisions about balancing resources needed against the budget allocated by the Local Authority. The Governors act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, and ultimately to represent the school community.


The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the Governing Body.


The Governing Body of Glastonbury Thorn is made up of volunteers who are interested in the continued progress of the school and in ensuring the best possible education for the children in our care. The Governors work in close partnership with the Headteacher, Staff and the Local Authority.


The Governing Body is organised into two committees: 

  • Finance, Personnel, Facilities & Safety
  • Quality of Education


Our Full Governing Body meets at least three times a year and our two committees meet at least once a term.


Glastonbury Thorn Governing Body  -  2023/24 Academic Year 

Governor name or vacant post detailsFirst appointedTerm startTerm endCategory
Mrs Yasmin Ansari15.11.202315.11.2314.11.27Parent Governor
Mrs Joanna Clay   

Assistant Headteacher

Associate Governor

Mr Jonathan Cursley 30.6.2020  Headteacher
Mr Malcolm Dobell18.2.200118.2.2217.2.26

Local Authority Governor

Data Protection Governor

Mrs Amy Egurrola2.9.202215.11.2314.11.27Co-opted Governor
Mrs Ellie Frost28.1.202128.1.2127.1.25

Co-opted Governor

More Able Governor

Mr Andrew Hart2.9.202215.11.2314.11.27Co-opted Governor
Ms Louise McDonald15.11.202315.11.2314.11.27Parent Governor
Ms Carole Merchant - Business Support Mgr   Associate Governor
Mrs Michelle Morris20.5.202420.5.2419.5.28Staff Governor
Mrs Lisa Pringle - Co-Vice Chair21.11.201922.3.2221.3.26

Co-opted Governor

Development Governor

Mental Health and Well-Being Governor

Pupil Premium Governor

Mrs Kirstin Pryor - Chair of Governors23.11.201822.3.2221.3.26

Co-opted Governor

Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Nighat Rahmani15.11.202315.11.202314.11.27Parent Governor
Mrs Sophie Sarginson - Co-Vice chair2.9.202215.11.23


Co-opted Governor

Partnership Governor

Vacancy   Partnership Governor
Mrs Dana Ciripan   




Relevant business and pecuniary interests of the Governing Board - March 2024

NameOrganisationType of interestAdditional informationDates
Yasmin AnsariGlastonbury Thorn SchoolOther governance roleMember of Friends Association at Glastonbury Thorn School19th January 2024 to date
Kirstin PryorDenbigh SchoolOther governance roleParent Governor23rd February 2024 to date
Sophie SarginsonGlastonbury Thorn School Friends AssociationOther governance roleSecretary1st October 2022 to date
Andy HartGlastonbury Thorn School Friends AssociationPersonal or close family relationshipMy wife is a member of the Glastonbury Thorn School Friends Association20th January 2022 to date
Ellie FrostLoughton SchoolEmployeeDeputy Headteacher at Loughton School 
Malcolm Dobell5 Dimensions TrustChair of Trustees 2nd September 2018 to date


Committee Meetings 2023/2024

17th October 2023Finance, Personnel, Facilities & Safety
8th November 2023Quality of Education
15th November 2023Full Governing Board
28th February 2024Finance, Personnel, Facilities & Safety
6th March 2024Quality of Education
20th March 2024Full Governing Board
23rd April 2024Finance, Personnel, Facilities & Safety
4th July 2024Finance & Personnel
5th July 2024Quality of Education
9th July 2024Full Governing Board


Attendance at Committee Meetings

Y Ansari   XXX X X
M DobellX XX XXX X
A EgurrolaXXX XX  XX
E Frost XX       
A HartX XX X X X
L McDonald  XX XXX X
C MerchantX XX X X X
N Rahmani  XXXX    
S SarginsonX XX XXX X
A SimmsX         


Academic Year 2022/2023

Academic Year 2021/2022

Committee Details - 2020/21
